



5 Years
09-22-2015, 12:08 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

The nervousness that she harbored did not appear to be shared in the least bit by Glacier. His only response to her obvious worry was a laugh, gentle and warm. Anais had to assume she was overthinking things, and that his apparent ease with the subject meant that what he suggested would not cause a stir as she feared. Maybe they already knew. Maybe the overall silence that seemed prevalent through the tight-knit family group was a sign of acceptance rather than avoidance, as she had been fearing. Maybe she was already a part of them without realizing it, and her worries really were founded only on her own perspective of things and not on reality.

Glacier confirmed her growing assumptions while drawing her close, and the nervous hunter smiled with an open sheepishness as she let herself be pulled to his side, sidling just a little closer in the process. I'm family? She seemed to have severely misinterpreted their feelings for her, and though it was a little embarrassing to be so far off the mark Anais was still relieved. The Elementas clan were at the center of Glacier's world, and most everything he did revolved around them. She knew and understood their importance to him, and wanted desperately to gain their acceptance and trust. In her worry, however, she seemed to overlook the fact she had already gained it.

She chuckled, a soft and rather embarrassed sound, and was nudged by her Ferax with a teasing request for a walk. The change in conversation as well as the company of the wolf who had so quickly and stealthily stolen her heart smoothed away her worries and allowed her smile to become more bright and comfortable, and her tail echoed the change with a quick wag. "I'd like that too," she answered enthusiastically as she took a small backward step away from Glacier's side to indicate she was ready to begin their walk. Her golden eyes momentarily shifted back down to the small catch she had dropped at her feet just minutes prior, and her brow creased just slightly. It would be wasteful to leave the prairie dog there, but...if she carried it along, she could hardly keep up her part of a conversation.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.