



6 Years
09-21-2015, 03:33 AM
Nine Lashes - Get Back

Name: Faite Adravendi

Alignment: Going towards Neutral Good

Appearance Description:

26" - 28" (You decide, I'd prefer the smaller)

Color: The most flawless off all her colors, a big part of herself would be her appearance. Faite may never have been the tallest or the fairest of them all, but she wants to simply be that. A daughter of Surreal and Falk. The front portion of her chest is tainted with an off-white, it blends into a silver that takes over the mid sections over her body, never touching the paws or the very top of her body. Her back paws are burned with a deep gray color almost seen as black, while her front paws sport a reddish color from her father. This deep brown and russet begins again at the head, fading into the fawnish red that covers a major portion of her upper body. Finally, tipped off with a black, fading onto the top and covering most of her tail. The bridge of her muzzle also taken to this slight disarray.

Eyes: Ever since she was born, she's had these eyes. Two different colors in each one, and part of her believes they represent a larger part of her personality. Her right eye is a bright cyan, enough to catch the eye of any stranger compared to her left eye. It's crystal clear, and shows all of her emotions at any time. Her left eye, one of less notice, is a gold. Not brightly enough colored to bring out that of the cyan that covers her right. It's a deep gold color, blocking out what she might be feeling but if you would pay close enough attention. It would be her entire soul to look through in her soul.

Feel: Her fur has never been on the thick side of things. Her upper coat a long cover over her short underneath. It would be described as a scuffed type of feeling, like that of a terrier long hair. Faite has never been one to hope that anyone would come to sleep with her other than her family. However her fur is well kept, her paws especially soft to the touch. Noses she may end up crossing with her paws will be greeted with a feathery almost downy like feel. It also protects her from any sharp objects wanting to pierce her paw.

Gait: Faite is not entirely broken, but never has she been one wanting to stand above the crowd. More preferring to help where it is needed, she stands at a neutral stance. Her walk that of an angel, even if her scar prevents beauty from being seen so clearly. She is fast on her feet, and proudly so she can be behind you at any moment.

Voice: Already soft spoken, her voice will be more in her foreign language(Irish Gaelic) When she speaks it's words always important to her. While actions can speak louder, she believed that her words could make a difference. Never finding a point in raising it or becoming angry. In her native tongue she could speak a mile a minute. English just seems to be something saved for the more simple times.

Imperfections: Time has not been kind to the yearling. When she was first stolen away from her home, it was not because of some devious deed. She fell into the ocean, a rock snagged off the edge from her neck down her left shoulder. Completely leaving a scar to instantly remind her of how she was lost, but managed to find her way back home. Meeting a many friends, and even enemies along the way.

Personality Description:
Quiet - Curious - Problem solver - Intimate - Fearless

Faite has not strayed far from how her personality was before. She is still young, well before her years where her full potential could be released. The first thing one would note is her timid nature, nothing out of fear. She simply is a quiet and shy girl upon the first meeting. Patience is the key to getting her trust, and more so when you can handle how self conscious she can be about her feelings and her body. Faite would never voice her discomforts out loud though, she tries the best to hide any pain physical and emotional that she may have been subjected to in any moments. Reminding herself, that tomorrow will always be another day.

Her curious nature drives her forward. The thirst for knowledge, the thirst to actually feel that she is getting somewhere. Each step taken is another word read in the back of her mind. Any mysterious will leave her guessing, but she would always find a way to get her way in and out of someone's mind. Not knowing is more stressful to her than knowing would ever be. No matter how bad that news might have been it was her duty to figure it out from the start.

There is not just one solution to one problem.... but many solutions to one problem. Faite is a problem solver, rather than wasting her time on the problem or the past she is always wanting to take a step forward. Her mind is always searching for the best solutions to try out on anything that can be thrown her way. In any situation, she can remain calm even in the most stressful of times. There's no use crying over spilled milk.

One thing to never do, is cross her. The girl is fragile as it is but she doesn't want to believe she is. Everything she does is with the whole of her heart intimate with the world. If she shows you any type of affection or care it's something that she means. Betrayal will not be taken well, her heart can shatter but she will be willing to pick it back up. Just without this said wolf.... Faite will not be a wolf so easily taking second chances. A simple sorry, will not fix things.

Fearless, in her own sense. Even if she can get scared of the world, she will put on a brave face to make herself feel better not only about herself but in the hopes of instilling courage with her family and friends. Never back down, but know when to choose your battles carefully. Even if she is no fighter, Faite wants to be someone that others can depend on.

Plans: Reunite with family and go from there. I've always loved Surreal and with Faite missing plot, I saw this and went OOOOO plus maybe castiel could find her finally. Here's a little about why she vanished and why she came back.

At a young age, she discovered a herd of bison. Never seeing the animals before she was curious and went to seek them out. Unfortunately leading her to a cliff, she did not see the edge and was pulled off. A rock struck her in the neck and shoulder, tumbling down into the water she washed up on the shore of a strange place. She was picked up by a wolf named Ymir with her companion monkey Warren. Ymir nursed Faite back to health, and the only thing on the young wolf's mind was getting back home. She spent a lot of time with Ymir and Warren in the strange human city, until meeting a few good and bad wolves. Who fought over food and land just as any other would. After learning some lessons from Ymir. Faite finally took to the water, the swim was hard, but she made it. BACK, to alacrita. Now.... was only finding her family again.
This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.