
It's a dangerous world we live in


04-11-2013, 08:40 PM
Much to her excitement her brother began to wrestle back. He let himself roll with her, pushing up against her with his paws, tiny fangs snapping in her direction. She growled as his jaws clamped shut on the scruff of her neck. She pressed her own front paws down on his chest, jaws aiming for his ear to give it a light tug. Being the only girl in her litter meant she was forced to play rough in order to keep up with her brothers, not that she minded since it was the only she knew. There was a lot she still didn't know about or understand, like the fact that her parents spent so much time apart. Shouldn't they be mates? Her mother had tried to explain it a thousand times but she still didn't understand. It not like either of them neglected her, if anything her father spoiled her with attention and mother taught her everything she could, along with her brothers.

She was far to occupied with Rune to notice her second brothers approach. The only indication was his words claiming to come rescue his brother. She looked up, pausing her assault on Rune, which he quickly took advantage of. His paws pushed her back, causing her to stumble on her still puppyish legs. While Vixe lunged towards, knocking her even farther back. She growled, jaws snapping at him, latching onto any part of him she could reach and then proceed to shake her head, tugging on his pelt. Pushing up with her legs, the little dame attempted to push her brother back and regain some of her balance. All would be lost if they both managed to pin her down. Maybe she could turn it into a game of tag while she still had a chance?

If he had pinned her by now, she would prance away from him before running away giggling. "Catch me if you can!." she squealed, emerald eyes bright with excitement as she bounced away. While she was growing fast, she still looked puppish. Her pelt was still fuzzy, her markings not yet clearly defined, her frame not yet filled out. She couldn't wait to be old enough to be able to go wherever she wanted without her parents pestering her about it. She wanted to explore, go beyond the den and beyond the borders of her home. She wanted to see the world.