
hush now



10 Years
09-21-2015, 12:24 PM

Ah, what a night this was. Some of Yfir seemed intent on resting rather than celebration, and while he preferred the more festive route, he understood that others might not. Katja was one of these, who he found resting by herself, enjoying the festivities from afar. He could feel the ache of battle, settling deep within his bones, though his spirit was very much awake still and he longed to continue on through the night. He had no doubt that his cousin was feeling it too.

Only one thing, other than time and rest, could ease her pains. Eyeing her for a moment, he then disappeared from the gathering to his den, retrieving a small mouthful of herbs that he intended to offer her. It was likely she would reject them, but it was worth a try to ease her pain and let her enjoy as much of the night as she could. Slowly he moved from the den and made his way back toward her, feeling his own muscles aching deeply.

As he came to her, he dropped a few of the salvia leaves at her paws. "These will help with the pain," he offered with a somber nod. He didn't intend for it to be recreational, purely medicinal - but he was far too used to consuming these herbs to have any idea what a suitable dose was, though he was certain he knew. "I'd eat two leaves. Should be enough to take the edge off the pain for a few hours." ..and maybe enough to produce some mild hallucinations it someone who wasn't used to taking such herbs, but that was another story entirely, and not something he was at all considering.