
Puppy Needs a Home


04-11-2013, 08:40 PM
Laying on the emerald grass with the sun reflecting down on her pure black fur Lyla was content. She felt the warmth of the sun's rays reflecting upon her thick, silky fur. She couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked. Her ears pinned to her head cautiously as she began to fall asleep, she heard a sound. Possibly another wolf. She didn't overlly care though because she just wanted to rest. The soudn of another began to annoy her. The strange chattering noise that was coming from their mouth, made her feel furious and impatient. She felt the rage bubbling inside her and a faint growl rumbling within her chest. She rose to her feet, and began to walk in the direction in which she had heard the sound. Whoever this intrudor was would definitely be happy to meet this young lady right now. Storming through the bushes looking for this stranger she snarled quietly. Her anger could no longer be obtained. The fierce sound of her growl got louder and louder as she caught scent of the other. The air curled through her nose and the scent was now disctint, and it came to her scences that this wasn't only an intruding stranger but it was a female. She was not scared to fight at all. Infact if it came to it she would just murder them. She no longer felt that there was a way or fixing this in a calm manner. She just wanted to make them shut the hell up, and go back to what she was orginally doing. Her glowing eyes peered straight fowards. Her daggering claws grasped the earth beneath her leaving large marks from her claws in the trails behind her. Creeping slowly forward she saw the dark figure of another infront of her. She didn't feel like introducing herself or sitting for a chat so she simply exclaimed " Do you mind? If you were trying to get some rest would you like to hear that annoying chatter".