


09-21-2015, 02:59 PM

The girl looked over to her sibling when he agreed, the ship was kind of scary. But did he hear the whispers and scuffling around like she did? Or was it something only for her, somebody hiding in the darkness and watching her like prey. The idea was chilling, sending a icy sting down her back. Maybe it was something she would have to talk to her mother or sisters about, see if they were experiencing the same thing because they were girls. Or maybe she could ask her brothers and father, they could be hearing the stuff too and just hiding it because they were suppose to be strong boys.

Riv started telling her about a wolf named Zakuro, the girl turning towards her brother and listening. The wolf was from their mother's religion, a mean man with a rat tail and the leader of a dark place for people who are mean to others. Was that what she was hearing, Zakuro watching her, waiting for her to be bad so he could drag her away from everyone. Juniper's ears pulled back at the thought, a new fear forming in her gut, making the girl become warm despite it being cool around them.

But then she felt something on her shoulder, causing the girl to flinch and find her brother touching her then giving a big hug. He said he would protect her from those scary things, that he was her big brother. Instantly her eyes began to water and lips tremble, closing her eyes tight and wrapping her forelegs around the boy tightly, burying her face into his neck. ”Don't let him take me Riv, please...” It was clear at this point that the voices meant more than it originally seemed, disturbing the child to the point where she was asking her brother not to let them take her into the darkness. ”I'm good, not bad.”