
Birna vs Mercy

Mercy I


5 Years

09-21-2015, 06:42 PM

Birna maintained a grip on Mercy's front left leg, and the girl was quick to shift her weight so that she was balanced across her other three paws. Her weight shifted to her right side, toes spreading and claws biting into the earth. Her tail remained raised to align with her spine, ears still pressed flat against her skull as her purple eyes remained narrowed. Legs were slightly bent at the knee, chin tucked as her head aligned with her spine. Lips were pulled back in a snarl, hackles raised down her spine as her shoulders rolled forward. This shit was far from over, and she was very much enjoying herself against her giant spar partner.

It would seem that Birna was not done with her either, and it shocked her when the older woman aimed to bite her lower jaw. Without much space to move, Birna's teeth sank into her bottom jaw, and Mercy tried not to yank back from the pain. Moderate puncture wounds seeped blood, but it didn't stop Mercy from trying to bite down as hard as she could, aiming to bite Birna's soft pallet with her own bottom jaw, top jaw aimed to crunch down on the bridge of her nose and cut off her breath. Because of Mercy's teeth locking with Birna's, the taller woman missed her tongue, but if she managed to bite any harder she would damage the tender muscle. Eyes flashing with a grin, despite the pain, Mercy attempted to flick her tongue across the top of Birna's mouth, pretty much trying to lick the roof of her mouth. Why? Because she could, and she hoped that it tickled enough or grossed the woman out enough that she would let go.

Mercy's chest managed to slam into Birna's lower chest, and a minor bruise spread across her own front of her chest. Her paw missed Birna's hind leg, claws uselessly scrapping across the limb. Mercy grounded it as soon as she could, shifting her weight accordingly. Since the woman had her jaw in her own grip, Mercy was rather stuck, and couldn't avoid the leg that hung around her shoulder. Since she was quick to maintain her stance, she didn't fall right away. It was a struggle though, her legs spreading a bit further apart as her weight distributed evenly. She was not going down, not yet. Not waiting to risk raising her paw again to attack, Mercy knew that she couldn't do much else but try to puncture the woman's soft pallet as well as the bridge of her nose.

Mercy vs Birna for Spar
Round 2 of 2


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.