



9 Years
09-21-2015, 10:50 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2015, 11:07 PM by Creed.)
Name: Faite Ethereal Adravendi
Alignment: Lawful Good
Appearance Description: 27 inches - 76 lbs - lean
Faite is easily recognizable as a feminine creature. Her figure is quite sleek and svelte. She stands on long lilting legs and everything starting from her face all the way to her hips are quite narrow. She has a long slender muzzle and thin pointed ears. The largest part of her in terms of width would be her chest as it's clearly built for running. Her lungs have adapted to her lifestyle, hence the larger chest, as she can hold out quite well with bursts of speed. She's naturally bony on the lower portion of her legs and toes are. Despite being quite thin, in reality she's quite healthy and eats rather well. While being bony, she still has a bit of muscle to her residing mostly on her shoulders and haunches. She knows she's fast and she won't hesitate to use it to her advantage.

Like most wolves she's not thickly furred and the longest hairs on her body are around her neck, her stomach, her tail, and her haunches. She takes great pride in her appearance and it's not often that you find a speck of dirt to mar her appearance. Her fur is actually quite luxurious to look at as it holds the healthy sheen of a she-wolf who takes care of herself. Its silky soft to the touch and if a wolf had fingers they could easy brush them through the longer parts of her fur without them tangling up the thin hairs.

It's really hard to find out Faite's base color as she's rather colorful in terms of natural fur colors. Instead of trying to determine a base color it is far easier to just study her sections at a time. Starting with the darkest color on her frame, Faite ha black that travels from the base of her spine all the way down to her tail tip. It splashes her face on her muzzle and between her eyes and fades outwards. The toes on her front paws are black and her back paws are black all the way up to the knee before it fades as well. Deep brown and russet is the second darkest color and it adorns the rest of her face and fades down to the beginning of her neck, halfway down her body, and all the way along the rest of her tail. A hint of brown can be found along her back legs, but it isn't very noticeable. Last it fades from the black on her front toes all the way up to about a third of the way up her front legs. Last but least there are two different silver colors that Faite has inherited from her mother. Her haunches, down a portion of her back legs, and her stomach are a slightly darker silver while the front of her chest and front legs are a lighter shade of silver.

To top off the beautiful perfection of Faite's mixture of both Falk and Surreal her eyes are stunningly similar to her mother's. The right is a vibrant cyan while the other is a lovely gold that glimmer with the bright spark of life that Faite possesses.

Personality Description: Faite's personality easily stems from living on her own for so long. Foremost and most importantly she's quite tomboyish and yet amazingly sassy. She's the type that wouldn't mind having her nails done and yet has absolutely no problem getting dirty or kicking someone's ass. She may not like a speck of dirt on her pelt but she has no problem getting down and dirty. She'll just clean herself up later! Sarcasm is a favorite past time of hers and she has no problem speaking her mind. She can easily use tact when it is needed, though more times than not she just prefers to be blunt if it's not necessary to watch what she says. She likes to explain it how it is and leaves it at that. One thing you don't have to worry about with her is her ever lying to you.

She's a loyal and honorable creature. There's isn't a bone in her body that could ever bring her to betray someone that trusts her. Once she's committed herself to you you have her. She's also a compassionate soul, something she got from her mother, and would give a lung to a wolf if they needed it. Dedicated is another word that could easily describe her. Once given a task she won't rest until it's finished. She has a strong sense of justice and lives her life in a black and white kind of way as far as what she views as right and wrong. Fall on the wrong side of wrong and she want rest until justice has been served.

Downsides to this female is that she's quite exuberant in her thoughts and her lack of hesitance to speak her mind has the potential to get her in trouble. She can be quite snarky and quick to anger if you get on her bad side. Having lived alone for a portion of her life her social skills aren't exactly anything to marvel at and if you press the right buttons it puts her in a rage mode. She can also be quite impulsive at times. She's an intelligent creature though and will definitely put your patience on the ropes if you let her. She could run a wolf in circles in terms of teasing if she truly wished. She had a knack for reading wolves and figuring them out really quick and it bothers her to come across mysterious wolves that try to hide them. It only piques her interest and fills her with a desire to crack their code and figure them out.

Plans: Faite is gonna be added to my arsenal of awesome characters (meaning just an addition to Creed) and gonna be turned into a bonafied badass. Really though my full intention is to flesh her out in character should I get her and help her continue on the legacy of Surreal and Falk. I want her to help contribute to getting Celestial started and be an active part of the pack. Her skills will be Fighting and Intelligence. (all of this would, of course, be after she is reunited with her family.

As for her disappearance: Faite had stuck around for a bit after Surreal Regulus had disappeared, but she worried for them and longed for their company. So with that in mind, Faite left home and struck out on her own. She was very much aware she was young but the need to find her brother and mother had a greater pull on her mind. She wasn't very good at tracking though and it didn't take the girl long to get lost She flitted from place to place all the while teaching herself how to hunt and fend for herself. It started out rather horribly at first and she nearly starved on her own. Instincts were a powerful thing in her mind though and it didn't take long for her to learn the secrets to catching different types of prey. It started off with mice and rabbits and it wasn't long before she could fend for herself rather well. Intelligence was a key role in her own upbringing. She may not have been the smartest in terms of IQ but boy was she street smart. Whether it was in terms of learning how to hide herself and completely disappear into the background of a territory or learning the travel patterns of prey she was stalking, it was always an impressive feat to watch her. Unfortunately in all her time gone she came no closer to finding Surreal or Regulus and during this time all she managed to do was continue to get more and more lost.

And then I'll leave it open so she can either return to Surreal or have Castiel find her!
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