
bring fire to the world (ABAVEN PACK HUNT)



5 Years
09-21-2015, 11:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2015, 05:39 PM by Starling.)
Starling would smile gently at Lillianna, noticing her coy little smile. It was obvious what his look meant, and he hoped that she wasn't pushing herself for this, but she knew how important it was to heal properly that he wasn't going to lecture her here. Besides, he was here, if something did happen he would be able to help, right? So he'd look at her, sky blue eyes shining with trust in her before his attention was turned else where. When Motif trotted in, the largest of smiles crossed his lips and he quickly nodded at her quesiton. "Y-yes, Aunt Motif! I-I'm sorry I haven't come t-to visit, I've been s-spending a lot of t-time trying to stock u-up my stores b-before winter comes." He said with the sweetest of smiles, stepping forward to try and nuzzle her when he paused. His eyes settled on the lumbering beast, blinking before squinting. He didn't like the looks of this man.

And...yep, his suspicions were correct. He would lean away from his aunt, his lips curling slightly at Zell's words as his eyes narrowed in to thin, angry slits. How dare he! Sure, Starling often made comments on face eaters, but it was never to put her down. At least, not after the first one. He did think she was...a little ignorant at times, and Star wasn't quite so...quiet about that either. But there was a definate difference between the way Starling would joke, and the way this man spoke just now. This was Lillianna's big break, her chance and he was very proud as she just turned away. But something in the young destruction was simmering, boiling, as he glared daggers at the man with a scowl on his boyish face. "Your skill level has nothing to do with the scars you have!" He suddenly growled, his tongue spilling the words perfectly for once. "But comments like that proves how little you have between the ears." He would snort then, glaring at the man, not braving a look at Bass. He knew he would get chewed out for this. "I d-don't know you, s-so you must not know. Abaven i-is a family, w-we work together. We do not k-knock each other down. You ap-apologize to her right now, sh-she has worked hard for this!" He didn't know if that were true, but Lillianna didn't deserve to feel any worse than she already did about her scars.

He would slowly slide his glare from the red furred man back to Lillianna, listening as she spoke. His smile would return to his face, his eyes shining in what he hoped would be a silent way of helping her through whatever nerves she may have. He would follow her lead, wherever she wanted him...even if he wasn't very coordinated or terribly fast he'd help.
