
Treat me cruel



9 Years
09-22-2015, 12:04 AM
He could feel Sin's jaws closing harder on his elbow, causing him to growl louder. Much more pressure and he felt his bone might fracture. Lucky for him this was not the other man's intention. Just as Xeph's paw came down on Sin's back, and his own jaws connected at the base of the larger brute's shoulders, he felt Sin's teeth release their hold on his elbow. What was Sin up to? Things shifted quickly when Sin shoved his weight into Xeph, causing him to teeter on his hind paws, while his teeth dragged through the other male's flesh. His ears kept folded against his head, knees bent and claws dug into the ground as he tried to keep his weight stabilized. He tried to maintain his hold on Sin, however, the other male was stronger, and Xephyris found himself stumbling backward - then the other male's right paw hooked around his left hind, completely unbalancing him, and it was enough to knock him onto his back, just as intended.

Everything happened quickly. Xeph found himself with his back against the frozen ground, Sin's jaws closing around his throat under his chin, top teeth on the right side of his throat, bottom teeth on the left. He gagged as he tried to inhale, but it was futile. There was little he could do now to defend himself - he kept his eyes narrowed and muzzle wrinkled up to protect his face, tail tucking against his belly. As Sin stood over him, Xeph thrashed about as he tried to free himself from the deadly grip, although he knew Sin wasn't going to kill him, not today. He tried to kick out with his left hindpaw, aiming for the middle of the brute's soft underbelly, right where the rib cage ended. Xeph's left forepaw aimed for the right side of Sin's face just below the eye, hoping to bruise his cheekbone.

The young male would keep his mistakes in mind for future battles - he was lucky that Sin was only testing him, for in a real fight he might find himself dead this very moment. He needed to improve his technique and make better choices, especially against a larger opponent. He would make sure that he trained hard to ensure he could defend himself and fight for his pack for years to come.

Sin vs Xephyris || Spar || Round 2/2