
vita e la luce



5 Years
09-22-2015, 12:23 AM
Starling was...something. He didn't quite know what, and that was entirely the problem. It wasn't like him to speak up, in any sort of formal group setting, and it certainly wasn't like him to be so insulting. Was this his clue that he was maturing? Was he really a spiteful wolf? No, that didn't make sense. But in that that moment he had felt nothing but bravery and odd sort of anger. How dare that man insult Lillianna! How dare he make a connection between skill level and appearance! He was...protective of her, that was a good word. He knew how sensitive some wolves could be, infact Starling was one of them. He often had doubts about himself and if anyone made any comment that sounded anything remotely like his thoughts...well, that often sent him spirralling even more into self doubt. But luckily for him, Starling seemed to be surrounded by so much support and love and knowledge.

But there was something about Lillianna that really reminded him of Finch, which meant that there was only one way to deal with what he thought might be happening. Flowers. Yes...Flowers were the key and solution to everything.

He trotted along Abaven territory, a certain delicate off-pink flower gently but securely held between his jaws, his bright sky blue eyes searching for a certain girl that, while annoying sometimes, seemed to have become something like a friend to him. A good friend, at least. He was happy to have her around, to have someone to teach, and someone that wanted to learn and wouldn't get bored when he gushed about flowers or went herb hunting. He had needed a friend like that. So he trotted towards her den, a small smile upon his lips as he walked up to it, seeing her laying there. He would drop the flower (delicately) at his paws then, a tender grin on his lips. "How'd I k-know I'd find you h-here?" He said with a small laugh before carefully laying down as well, nudging the flower gently towards her. "I-I w-wanted to s-say sorry. If I sp-spoke out of t-turn at the hunt..." He said softly, embarrasment coloring his tones.
