
U mad huh?

Mercy I


5 Years

09-22-2015, 11:36 AM

She knew that it was a completely out of the blue, but she had a few burning questions that she really needed to get answered. There was no one else that seemed to be able to help her with this, and... she just really needed to know. Mercy's ears pulled forward hopefully as he began to speak, but they fell backwards when he said that he wasn't sure. Shuffling on her paws slightly, she scuffed at the dirt around her feet. "Oh... well do you think it would be okay if I came and asked your sister something? Its not super important but its just... its something that no one has been able to answer for me." The pale girl was pleased that Leo didn't ask her what it was that she needed to figure out. It was really personal, and she wasn't too keen on sharing what it was. It was the reason for her attacking the river though, which made her grin slightly. This was quite the interesting meeting, she had to admit it. But she still had a small glimmer of hope that this man's sister would be able to help her out.

Their conversation took a turn to packs, and her head tilted to the side. She had never heard of the pack, it had been under a different name when she was a part of it. She couldn't quite remember the name of it, she had been really young by the time that they were left without a pack, and before she knew it she was being taken to Imperium. "Mm, that pack was gone by the time I was born. I can't remember what the name was, I was really little when the pack disbanded and then I left to join Imperium. And it can't be that long ago, you're not that much older than me." she teased, tossing a wink in his direction. At most he was a year and a bit older than her, although it was hard to tell. Age was a lot harder to tell around this part, it wasn't like either of them still looked like puppies. She was all female, with the curve of her hips and the flow of her bodice. And he was all male, with his thick muscles and strong set frame. Realizing that she was admiring him again, Mercy shook her head to scatter the thoughts.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.