
Bad Luck



04-11-2013, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 09:36 PM by Domovei.)
As the seconds passed, the male grew calm, his mind silencing for once in his life. Emerald gaze would direct itself to Newt, his savior, his protector. Adoration suddenly gleamed in his strange gaze; his chest swelled with comfort, knowing she would keep him safe. The Queen was the light at the end of his tunnel, and how brightly she shone beside him, a picturesque example of dominance and surety. If only Domovei could recognize the madness that lurked within the depths of her mind, but from one crazy wolf to another, she seemed perfect to him. Though the beast spoke of her own master, to Domovei, she was as stable and powerful as anyone he had ever known, save for his brother.

"And is that why I am yours? What could I possibly offer to you, my lion?" His question was hardly directed at her, but instead his inquiry was nothing more than a mumble lost upon the wind. Conversation threatened to continue, but both of the wolves quenched the painful memories that had begun to bubble up. Instead, they fell even more silent than the land around them. A slight limp crept into his step as they went, but he trudged on without protest; the possibility of a comfortable place to rest kept him going, keeping up his pace to match hers. Time would drag on painfully, but before long they would cross the borders of Lentajin and his heart would lurch in his chance, anxious for what awaited them there...

-exit Dom-