
in the house of flies



7 Years
09-22-2015, 04:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2015, 08:38 PM by Cesar. Edit Reason: Keepin' track of navigation )
Navigation: Gambit Briar

Midday. It was warm out. The sun shone happily, clouds dancing in the blue sky. Birds chirped and bugs sang their buzzing, humming tunes. Someone gargled phlegm under a bush. Or at least, that’s what it sounded like. ”Bleah-ACK!” the guttural, ugly sound shredded through the charm of the afternoon. In a little alcove formed by a tangle of briars and woody vines, a tiny black mess of a creature was currently crouched and heaving. His tongue stuck out and his pale eyes bugged, and he hissed and hacked and coughed and gurgled. After a moment, victory came when a little bone was expelled from his throat and onto the ground, covered in saliva. ”Ah!” a shrill noise of dismay followed the bone in a similarly forced fashion. The little wolf wheezed and coughed some more, his eyes watering.

When he finally had his breath back, he took a moment to wait out the burning pain the effort had tortured his diaphragm with. He panted, glancing around. Wow, he had almost died and no one had been around to see! He didn’t know how he felt about that. He glanced back down to the small animal bone, and then to the pile of rot he had gotten it from. He had just gotten so excited… The fiend licked his lips, blinking away the tears his choking had involuntarily produced and straightening himself. He focused back on the rot. What a perfect, mushy black pile it was. He had navigated through a labyrinth of grabbing vines and tearing thorns to get to this! His prize. All the cuts that oozed and stung on his sides well worth it. A grin slapped haphazardly across his face, revealing an impressive display of teeth. Waiting no longer, he dropped his front to the ground and rubbed his chest and throat blissfully in his discovery.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.