
We Were Making The Bullets To A Broken Gun


09-22-2015, 07:56 PM

Bass would come, and it was clear that he was in no mood for chat. Though, perhaps it was because it was him, that the man even considered it in the first place. Allen would give a tip of his head apologetically towards Bass, letting his dark green gaze rise to meet golden hues. "Now Bass, I know you're in no mood to talk, and I know you're not likely going to like what I've got to say, but say it I must." The calico gentleman would breathe in, closing his eyes.

"What happened to Threar was unfortunate. The man that challenged them, while I don't know why, seemed to be looking for a place for his own family." Allen would open his eyes again, fixing them on the Azat. "I do not blame you if you seek retribution, Bass. But know this. If you are to make any sort of mind about capturing slaves I will not be part of it." Allen would flick his ears back.

"That pack is probably next to nothing but pups. I've seen that man before, Bass. I've smelled his young. I will not be the one to pry yet another family apart."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah