
Restless Stroll



04-11-2013, 09:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though her paws sunk with each step into the consistent, ever present snow, Mercianne felt as if she walked upon the very air above the ground, hovering without leaving anything behind. Things had just been going to so well at home, she could hardly believe her luck. To have been reunited with the Glaciem at all was heavenly, but she had been given a place amongst them, welcomed and wholly and without question, a friend without needing to be asked, and now she was to learn all that their Lead Healer had to teach her. If she had ever thought that she could feel this way about a pack, so welcome and at home, amongst a band of creatures that she shared no kinship or blood with, it was only in a dream. I guess dreams can come true here, she wondered with a bright smile, pausing with her paws mostly sunk inside the snows as she traveled outside of her home, a rare itch having encouraged her to wander.

As her dark brown eyes shifted about the scenery, mostly white rolling hills of snow and the occasional ridge of grey stone where the mountains roamed, she spotted something unexpected and intriguing. Green? Yes, it was green. It was another batch of forest, small but seemingly just as hardy as the other plants that had rooted themselves here in this unforgiving land and had refused to leave their residency. What sort of place was this, to live here? As far as she knew, with a glance made to her left and right, there was very little in this part to suggest growth and life if you counted the energetic winds as nothing. Interested and figuring it a good place to visit while she was out, the timid little white wolf padded toward it.

It was much smaller up close than she had thought from a distance. The trees were short and spaced out, the plants green in places where the summer sun had fought hard against the natural winter weather and fed them enough light to defy it with growth. And overall it was a particularly sunny place to visit, bright and cheery and really enjoyable. Smiling over her good fortune and the pleasant surroundings, Mercianne wandered aimlessly, hoping to still the restlessness in her legs with a stroll through this new section of land before she would return to the comfort and familiarity of her home.

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]