
E fiorisce



7 Years

09-23-2015, 12:13 AM

At the sharp turn of Starling's head, the Azat tried not to flinch from the boy. Allen had been there forever, since Bass himself was only a year old. And now, to just have him gone was... well it felt like there was a big gaping hole in Bass' heart. And all over one stupid thing. He was worried even more about Nona and the pups, all three had been ill for months now. To be torn away from pack lands and out into the wild could very well be a death sentence. He just hoped that wherever they had settled, they they were safe. Without borders and other wolves to protect you... Bass didn't know how anyone slept at night. He would be up watching over his children, making sure that they were all still there. Even though that they were yearlings now, it didn't lessen his protective nature at all. In fact, it made it a bit worse, considering that they could now get into even more things.

Starling took a moment to compose himself, but it was too late. Bass knew his kids too well, and he understood the boys hurt. He also couldn't help but smirk at the dirt covered maw of the boy, reaching out to wipe it away with a single paw. When he was satisfied with his cleaning process, he pulled back and lingered on Star's single words. He hadn't shared with many people about his plans just yet, but he knew that it was a little late. If he didn't tell the boy now, he knew that he would fuss and worry over what it was that the Azat had planned. "Per sfidare l'uomo che ha preso il pacco da tua zia e lo zio. Ho intenzione di avere un incontro su assediare pacchetto di Sin, Starling. Questo è ciò che Allen rimasto. Ha detto che stavo saltando in cose, anche se non ho alcuna intenzione di farlo senza l'incontro con il resto del branco prima. Ma se abbiamo vinto, potremmo affermare un'altra terra, riprendere ciò che è stato rubato dalla nostra famiglia. E avremmo più spazio per i membri di Threar. Potremmo tenere unita la nostra famiglia." He said softly, shifting on his paws as he let loose a slew of words. He stopped, ears pulling back as he looked away. He knew that Starling wasn't big on fighting, even though he was trying so hard. "E sì, eravamo molto vicini. Era come un fratello per me, e uno zio di voi ragazzi." He added, not trying to stop the sadness that tainted his vocals.

Bass looked back just in time to see his sky blue eyes light up, and he could not stop the small smile that teased his lips. Leaning forward he nuzzled his darker fur, humming softly. "So che sono allenati duramente, Starling. Io l'ho visto, e Finch me tutto ha raccontato come si è andato a raccogliere più erbe. Sono così orgogliosa di te, e vorrei offrirvi una promozione al grado di Vor. Cioè, se si vuole prendere." Bass rose a pale brow, although he knew that there was very little chance that Starling would turn it down. And there was no one else that deserved the title more than he did. He saw Starling very quickly climbing the ranks, with the amount of time that he put into his flowers and crap.
