
Walking The Plank



9 Years
Dragon Mod
09-23-2015, 04:37 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2015, 06:31 PM by Obscuro.)
His father had told them to stay with someone else. His siblings and him had gone to stay with them, forced to leave their home for reasons unknown to him. Despite his brothers best efforts to keep him calm, Obscuro had eventually wandered away from the rag tag group and tried to venture back through way they came. Little did he know he had been going through complete opposite way. He felt that maybe it was taking longer to get back home because he was small, and by himself. But no. He had been going through wrong way the entire time.

Growing exhausted, he would slowly come to a trot. Chest heaving from the effort of running for so long. For once in his short life, he had gone out by himself. No brother, no guide. When he finally realized what he'd done, he began to grow scared. Ears plastering to his skull, tail tucking as he looked around.

After what seemed like an hour or so, the young boy grew tired of searching. He was also thirsty, so as he crept forward, he felt his way towards the water but little did he know that he was walking towards the edge of a rocky outcrop. As he neared the edge, he felt confident enough that he was close to drink water, so when he leaned forward, he stumbled and it would he his demise. The boy fell forward, catching himself on the very edge but he was too unbalanced, and he'd tumble into the water.

With a loud cry, the water surged over his head and he could not tell which way was up and which way was down. He had no idea how to swim, so he could do nothing more then flail as he fought to find the surface. He'd find it, however, gasping for air as he sucked in a deep breath, coughing as he floated down stream. He was panicking, he could feel his hind legs sieze from the panic that gripped him and they suddenly became useless. "HELP!!! ENIGMA!!! SOMEONE--" Loud and panicked screams were cut short as the water swallowed him up once more.