
Subtle Lives



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-11-2013, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 10:27 PM by Epiphron.)

So he was not a rogue; he was from Glaciem. Her interest was instantaneously peaked; Glaciem was the pack that Collision had been visiting for so long, hoping to strike an alliance with the wolves of the northern pack. She wondered what prompted this one to travel so far south, away from his family. Still, she inhaled his scent, finding it still untainted by the stench of a pack -- perhaps he was new to the group? "My mistake, sir -- I do apologize," she replied promptly, her voice dripping with audible sweetness. The attitude was not forced, but rather came with a surprising ease, tones dancing with delicate coyness.

Still her gaze struggled to penetrate through the darkness of the cave, but to no avail. His outline, she noticed through her squinted stare, gave way to a rather large male -- larger than herself, at least.

"It's a pleasure, Genesis. My name is Epiphron Adravendi, and I hail from the Valhalla pack." Her tones changed slightly when she spoke of her name, of her family, as though the very thing was a prized possession that deserved all the adoration in the world. If only she could see the male's face in the darkness, see if any hint if recognition danced across his unfamiliar features. Did he know of her pack, her family? Her father was a legend in her eyes -- even Maverick had heard of Cairo -- and she was curious as to how vast the span of his legacy really was. Genesis insisted he wasn't planning to harm her, and though his words came across as genuine enough, she wasn't keen to approach him further in such complete darkness.

Rather than directly answering her question, he suggested they find somewhere more comfortable to talk -- somewhere they could actually see their faces. A gentle laugh escaped her parted jaws, agreeing with his idea thoroughly. "If you insist in seeing my face, your wish is my command." She, too, wondered what the male looked like. The creature turned, his tail aimlessly stroking her side as he went. In the darkness she flinched, the movement going unnoticed; she was unused to strangers touching her, but she wasn't entirely offended by the gesture. Epiphron turned to follow him, still keeping a careful distance from the stranger.

"Just don't lead me into a wall," she teased with a gentle chuckle, taunting him playfully for the mistake he'd made in walking into her just a moment before.