
Dance Central 3



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-23-2015, 05:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 05:48 PM by Sin.)
Chest slam would hit, but as Kreft slipped into the throes of unconsciousness from the jarring blow, his teeth would snap on air. He stood standing over Kreft for a moment, a sneer on his face. "You're pathetic." He spat at the man, and just when he was about to turn he would find Amachi coming at him. But it would be too late for him to react, she collided into his left side, sending him falling to the ground and in that instant, his tail tucked to protect his valuable parts and his abdomen tensed.

He growled then, as her teeth met his left hind leg and digging in to make puncture wounds about an inch deep, blood welling from the wounds. He would not remain grounded, however, for immediately he would lash out with his free leg, attempting to kick her in the face and force her to release his leg. He twisted towards her, abdomen bending as teeth sought to reach her face. Jaws gaped open, eyes narrowed as his ears pinned to his head, hackles standing straight up. He sought to twist his head slightly to his right while jaws moved to place a grip upon her top muzzle. Hopefully, lower canines would place themselves painfully on the center of her nose and top canines would slice the bridge of her muzzle. He wasn't in the gest position, but perhaps this was why Kreft chose to fight on the side of a larger wolf.

As soon as he could, Sin would wait for the opportune moment to right himself, but for now he would do what he could.

Sin vs Amachi for Spar

Round 2/2

(edited to add round count with rivs permission)