
With your threads in mind



7 Years
09-23-2015, 05:57 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened, cold expression still in place as Liar explained his family, and a bit of Arian’s biological heritage. Considering Syrinx and Eos’ children, she though Arian had turned out just fine for a wolf born of two family members. While it explained the reasoning behind Liar’s aggressive action toward Arian, whatever that might have been, it still was a very poor excuse. Family did not attack family, unless there was truly no alternative and lives must be protected. Neo was a wolf that Surreal knew she would put down should he threaten those who had once called him their own. None knew why he’d taken such a turn for the worse. “I have met wolves whose parents were siblings. Compared to them, Arian is a gem. And I will not hesitate to kill if it means protecting her.” She left no doubt in her tone. To his comment about sometimes being that worse thing, she made no remark.

She eyed him as he lowered himself to his belly, one brow point quirking, but at his following words, both brows furrowed. He might want to know more of her, but why, and why should she allow him to learn any more of her than what he may have already known? There was also the matter of Sin’s scent on his fur. That smell of old blood and strains of Armada heritage, so similar to Falk’s own scent, but worlds apart. Falk’s scent was warm, welcoming, beloved. Sin’s scent made her skin crawl. “And why do you want to learn more of me? I smell an enemy wolf on your fur. That doesn’t make me eager to part with details of myself. You could easily be a spy for him.” The point was, in her eyes, quite valid. As a rogue family, she, her children, and her mate could be seen as easy targets for captives. Force Claiming was something she had heard of, though Valhalla was never a part of that nonsense. It wasn’t worth having unwilling wolves in your pack. They were mouths to feed that might not help to feed themselves. They were weak links that might turn their backs on you in a siege.

No. Surreal didn’t trust easily, at all. But she had every reason to distrust a wolf with the smell of an enemy on his fur.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think