
Dragon Slayer[MEETING]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
09-23-2015, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 07:21 PM by Avalon.)

She waited as the rest of the pack filed in, a new face she hadn't seen, eyes falling on the dark pelt of the man and she would give him a quick nod before Arian began to speak. She mentioned Surreal and the big red male sitting nearby, so that's who that was? The name Surreal was very...familiar, but Avalon would wait to speak to the woman until after the meeting. For now, she acknowledged them with a dip of her head before listening to the rest of the meeting. Arian had removed Kreft from the rank of commander, thank God...she didn't have anything against him, but from what she witnessed of his last session with the kids, he needed some brushing up on his own skills. She would name Cypress as beta, and her to work alongside side him. Her tail wagged happily as she swelled her chest up in pride. She would not let her down.

And then the big announcement, she sat up straight and tall as Arian strode toward her, touching her shoulder to mark her as an Adravendi. At long last she belonged to a family name, and she would force herself to not shed a tear at the thought. She gave a happy lick to her new sister, thanks and happiness clear in her eyes as she watched her sister return to address the pack once more. So much was changing...but it was all for the better. She would be named as Junipers mentor, and she'd gaze at the young girl as she grew excited about the events. "I'll teach her all I know, Arian." She watched the little girl with a smile, excited just as much as she was. Turning to the older Ravine, she dipped her head in respect. "Congratulations Ravine, this is a great opportunity!" She was happy. Her life was taking a turn for the better, and she would do her best to not let Arian down. Her belly rumbled then, as she remembered the prey that was here. With a wink to Juniper, she added "Come on everyone, now is a time to celebrate! Let us feast! You first, Juniper. I know you're hungry."

"Talk" "You" Think


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