
Sass in Moderation

Rœkia T


4 Years
09-23-2015, 07:42 PM

Rœkia's mind worked quickly in her careful methodology. She was certain now that there was another wolf present and she was indeed in the middle of an ambush. Claws dug into the plants she'd gathered as she weighed her options. Like most of the Thyre family she was an accomplished fighter but she was indeed small and as a strange woman, patched and large like the other male, emerged she knew fighting was not her best option. Even if she somehow managed to win she'd be terribly possibly even fatally injured. Shit. Could she outrun them? Deep burgundy eyes examined the woman's lithe frame but Rœkia kept her gaze cool and impassive. She was not going to let them no how afraid she was.

"I suppose I could…. though I wonder how you'd be able to tell if I'm lying or not?" After all, she was an exceptionally talented liar, always had been but she allowed the smirk to fall. "I don't lie about my arts, ma'am." Unless it suited her. "Nearly every plant can be poisonous in the right doses or to the right wolf. This plant is boneset. Useful in treating fevers and muscle pain but give a patient too much and you can make them violently ill, even to the point of death. It's definitely not a nice way to leave the land of the living." She beamed proudly. "I do believe the road to hell and riches lays in the mask of good intention." As a healer she could easily gain a wolf's trust and "treat" them right into misery if she so desired it.

Rœkia glanced between the two wolves, taking in the similarities. They had to be siblings, littermates. She felt a sting of bitterness at her lack of that bond. Where she wanted to admit it or not she was almost jealous of them. "Why the interest in poison? You don't need help getting rid of someone do you? I'd gladly offer my assistance for a price."
