
stay happy there



10 Years
Extra large
09-23-2015, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 09:20 PM by Áki.)
Perhaps if he were the leader of some pack, he might choose somewhere different, though these lands were respectable. He preferred more mountainous terrain himself, though such lands were much less hospitable than these, it seemed. Either way, it was difficult to imagine being confined within borders.. it was definitely not his style, though he respected Valentine's life - and status - quite a bit.

What, though, was he most interested in here? Musing over the question carefully, a thoughtful expression would etch itself onto his weathered features. He was interested in the wolves that Valentine ruled over, but to ask to see them all seemed a bit silly. Even if he met a few, it wouldn't tell him much about leading a pack..  though upon further reflection, he figured it would tell him an awful lot actually to know who valued Valentine as a leader, and who he valued as pack members. Though he'd met him twice now, he didn't know him very well. Did he value strength above compassion? Independence over community? These questions floated around in his head as he studied Valentine, his gaze drifting to enjoy the lands that spread behind him.

"Show me where you sleep," he offered after a moment, grinning toothily at his new friend. His heavy voice was thick with amusement and undeniable playfulness . "I want to see how Kings sleep. Certainly better than I do." Surely he had a den, perhaps a large one? And he had no doubt that a leader like Valentine would be short of attention from the ladies... or the men, and he would be surprised if he only had a den suitable for one. Hell, maybe he even had a mate and children. He didn't have the faintest clue. All he knew was that it was surely better than the makeshift dens he usually conjured up, and he was curious at getting a better look through the lands anyway.