
Swirling Around



1 Year
09-24-2015, 07:51 AM

Ellisa made a small dip of her head at the boy's compliment, looking to him with a small smile. Usually she made compliments when nervous, but he seemed to look perfectly fine, so she took it as he was a sweet guy. Smile quickly turned into a grin, accepting her offer to go into the tunnel and explore what was hidden in the darkness. The thought of a small adventure was enough to get her tail swinging, ears perked up as she looked towards the entrance ten back to Tinaro. She grew confused when his head lowered, head tilting, beginning to wonder if he suddenly changed his mind and didn't want to go inside after all.

”Ladies first.” Oh, so that'd what he was doing. With the amused grin that crossed his features the girl couldn't help but giggle, dipping her head and crossed a leg over the other in a sort of bow. "Why thank you kind sir." With that she turned away and padded up to the entrance, taking a moment to swuint her eyes and let her eyes adjust to the lighting. Head leaned forward, nostrils flaring to gather any scents. Earth, stone, moisture. "In we gooo." Voice trailed off while she headed inside.

Right away the girl would notice something about this tunnel, the ground was dipping and found herself having to lean backwards with her weight. "Be careful, the ground is sloped." She warned over her soulder, amber eyes squinting to see if the boy was right behind her or a little ways back. Turning back ahead Ellisa grunted, paw scraping over a sharp rock she hadn't noticed. "Sharp rocks too." She shook her head in small annoyance but it wasn't enough to change her mood, tail held out and wagging slightly until they were on level ground.