
Intruding On Nature


09-24-2015, 05:04 PM
Growling in frustration at the flies that tried to make dinner out of him, he had not heard the approach of the other Titan until his voice touched his ears. Jerking his head up, multi hued eyes spotted a creature of peculiar color. Then again, nothing was peculiar to the multi colored man. His home pack was filled with those who wore brightly colored pelts and he'd seen all the colors in existence upon them. His own mirrored a rainbow, but this male carried the shades of blue that one would see upon the midnight hues of an icy wasteland. Arvandor had to admit, he was a handsome brute.

Making his way towards the man, he stopped a few feet before him as he studied the male and the humor that shone through his eyes. "That would be a great help. I came looking for herbs but I don't know what grows around here." He wasn't from around here, so of course he'd wander into a place full of bugs. He too sat down, tail wrapping around his forepaws as he offered a friendly smile. "I didn't think others like me lived on this side of the continent, this is a pleasant surprise."