
and they call you crazy?



04-12-2013, 12:03 AM

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It seemed that the big female finally realized the presence of another wolf there, and just when the show was getting good! What was she doing hopping around and singing like a crow about water, some kind of rain dance? Is Zara the druid going to summon a weather spirit to save them all? But Frayer would never found out, because she was interrupted and now shuffling her way over to her intruder. The delirium had a strong grip on her obviously, as even in the short walk over to him her expression and mannerisms bounced between confusion, rage, irritation, and strangely enough, joy, all while carrying the glazey half-out-of-it look.

She was happy to see him? Yes, she was certainly far gone! It entertained him how the woman he had known to be always serious - and angry - to be talking so absurdly, especially to Frayer! And for the brutally powerful creature to be flopping around like on newborns' legs and childishly poke noses with him - he just didn't know how to respond! All he could do was pull back his head with a chuckle, and watch her, stunned, as she kept speaking her nonsense. Another surprise drew him back, as she wanted his odd water vessel! Why should he be so generous, and how could she of all wolves expect such? Oh right, the delirium of dehydration...

But she was of a high rank in this eccentric little family that he was trying to advance in, so some opportunity for him lay in this peculiar situation! He needed allies like her... he needed her good word of him told to Newt. She may only be the ex-alpha, but she was still regarded highly by the new ruler from what Frayer had seen, so gain her favor he shall. Being her 'knight in shining armor' would be beneficial, indeed! But he couldn't just give it to her; it would be so unlike him that she would notice for sure, so he used a response that fit better:

"Perhaps I have, perhaps I have not... What's in it for me, sister?" he said teasingly at the face looking up at him, drawing a small bit closer to her as he did. That face of hers was looking like a begging pup's despite it's huge size and scars. One with less willpower or an appreciation for the cute and helpless would have been compelled to just say 'Aww! Yes, certainly, it's all yours!' to the big eyes staring at him, but not Frayer. He had to act like he was making the present hard-to-get and tease her, even while he had already decided that it would be hers. "I didn't walk down into the desert for the exercise, after all."

Would she be conscious enough to even remember the gesture, though, when he gave her his trophy from the drylands? She could just wake up later in her normal state and not recall that Frayer had potentially saved her - or she may even deny it and call it a trick of the hallucinations! How furious he would be if his efforts and this kind gesture that was so rare of him were all in vain! His throat began to scratch again so slightly from the thirst that would slowly return, and he was tempted to just drink all from his precious prize right in front of Zara, but he held off, for now.

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