
Come Softly, Come Swiftly



7 Years
09-25-2015, 03:48 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She had chosen a spot of high ground in the estuary for this little meeting. She had tried to do her best to make her two youngest understand that there were invaders in their land when they had moved. She felt Tor understood, but Baine; friendly, sweet Baine, she was sure understood quite as well. It pained Surreal to have to tell her sweet child that some wolves could be enemies. So, she would be holding a family meeting to better brief her family, especially Falk, since the move had been rushed. Of course, he knew better than the rest of the family, being that at one time, he was a warrior. But Battlesong had flown about, scouting and listening from her lofty domain in the sky, and Surreal had more information than she had when she had gone to Bass. She would be going back again soon.

Her haunches settled on the damp earth, tail flicking to wrap about her hips as she scanned the surroundings. Finally, she tilted her head back and sang a low howl, loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to carry too far. As well as her family, Creed was involved in the call. He’d stuck around, even though the west was hell in thick fur, and she appreciated that. As she lowered her muzzle, her ears flicked to catch the sounds of whomever might arrive first. She had no doubt that Regulus would be one of the first; he was pretty good about being punctual to these things. Falk might take a bit longer, unless the kids were guiding him in this less familiar landscape.

As she waited, she ran over what she needed to say, and how to say it. She had little doubt that Falk would want her to get involved in the fighting if a siege did take place. But their youngest were almost yearlings, and the Summer heat was already beginning to cool towards Autumn. And even if there was no siege, Surreal had her own plans. She already knew that she wanted nothing to do with Sin unless it was watching him fall under her own teeth. The continuing scents of his borders in her home made it more and more likely that the only way they would meet was in battle.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think