
We Can All Be Kings And Queens


09-25-2015, 05:33 PM

The young man would shake his head as Mystic spoke, an idea sparking in his head. "Gods Mystic, I owe them a lot, I know I do, but..." Hypnos had something shining in his eyes in that moment, giving a gentle nuzzle back to her cheek. A reassuring nuzzle. "You know... being with you Mystic has made me realize there is something more than Yfir. Something worth fighting for. Something more for me than that life." Hypnos would let his gaze linger on her own. "If I don't follow my heart, if I don't fight for what I love, then what is the point of being in some pack? What is the point of fighting at all?"

He would offer a gentle smile. "If I can get out of there we could make our own pack. A sanctuary for those who are hurt, a safe haven for those who've been wronged. We could free slaves, and help those in need. We could be like angels of strength and happiness..." His gaze was shining happily at the thought.

"At this point we've got to make our own luck Mystic. We need to fight. But I will get out of there on my own. Even if it takes time. I promise you."

"Mystic Speech," "Hypnos Speech."

Lineart by:: Otackoon on DeviantArt