
With your threads in mind



7 Years
09-25-2015, 05:46 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Were all of Arian’s Walker family this bizarre? She caught the narrowing of his eyes, just before his dropped his nose to the ground and… did he just lick the ground? Surreal took a slight step back, one brow point arching in distinct displeasure as he popped to his feet. Clearly the ground hadn’t been all that tasty, because as he spoke next, he seemed to be attempting to clear his tongue of the debris. Her brow remained arched. With so little known about her, and this being only the third time they had ever met, how could he be that invested in her and her family’s welfare? To kill the very wolf he had joined up with if he harmed her or her children? She still couldn’t bring herself to trust the male.

At least he had an answer for her regarding her question. He was curious. His following explanation received little expression. How could such a blank wolf be a king? A pack ran off of their leader’s expressions; one reason fear must never be shown to all but the closest of members, usually family, Consort, and fellow alpha. The pack needed to see a strong face standing there. Strong, but expressive. How else would the know if their liege was proud or angry with them? One thing did resonate with her, if only slightly; that of a missing loved one. However, she didn’t announce that thought aloud. Instead, she chose to answer the last of his words. “For your sake, I hope it’s temporary, because if he dares to set paw on these lands with intent to claim them, thus displacing my children from their home, there will be hell to pay, and I will cut down any adult who stands at his side.” There was a subtle emphasis upon the word ‘adult’. She would never harm a pup, even if her own life depended upon it.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think