
Come Softly, Come Swiftly



10 Years
Athena I
09-25-2015, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2015, 07:58 PM by Báine.)

Báine didn't like that she couldn't go back to their usual den in the ravine. This new place wasn't nearly as nice as their home, but now there were a bunch of strangers living there and her mother wouldn't let her go back with them there. She knew how packs worked and she knew she couldn't walk into packs without asking but why couldn't she ask? And why were these wolves so mean that they would steal their home? She had to admit it was a pretty great home, but there had to be other places that they could have lived! She huffed and stared up at the sky from where she was laying on her back, watching the clouds and birds go by above her. She didn't like it here as much, the birds were too loud and it was hard to sleep with all their chirping.

Suddenly her mom's voice broke through the bird's chatter and she of course was quick to get to her paws and shake the dust and grass out of her pale coat. She hated that her fur was so pale cause whenever she got dirt on it every little bit of it showed! She hurried toward the call and she was happy when she saw that she was only the fourth to arrive. She even beat Daddy and Zuriel! She trotted over to where Tor was standing, plopped down next to him, and leaned her head over onto his shoulder. They were almost a year old now so they still had some growing to do, but the height difference between them was already very obvious. Her head was basically at his shoulder! "Conas a fuair tú mar sin ard, deartháir?"

"Talk" "You" Think