
Pulling me back



5 Years
Extra large
09-25-2015, 08:37 PM

Phim was... a bit flabbergasted. He hadn't even caught his breath and all of the sudden his mother was talking about... about... Well. As her lesson progressed his ears would flatten and flatten against his skull, and his eyes would grow wider and wider until they resembled two blue moons. He was feeling quite queasy all of the sudden. His coat flushed with embarassment and all at once he realized that Vana and Angel were taking things quite well, all things considered. Internally he scoffed. They weren't that much more socialized than he was! Sure they spent time with other wolves, where as he preferred the company of actual birds and bees but... still! He did his best to compose himself. And now Cascade wanted to know if he had questions? The poor boy could barely remember his own name!

He wracked his brain. This was his family after all, he was supposed to be able to share anything with them! The thought of two boys or two girls wanting to... be with each other wasn't something he'd ever considered, but as Angel expressed his own curiosity about that so he didn't really feel the need. "What about... Oh, I don't know," he began in a slightly strangled voice. His mother mentioned that wolves would do these things even if they didn't love you, but that just didn't seem right! "Wolves can just do that with anyone? I thought they had to be like you and Dad, at least!" I mean, he wasn't completely naive, he knew that some people went out of their way to hurt others, but the idea of there being some sort of gray area inbetween didn't seem right at all! Mates, he decided, were complicated and just maybe he didn't want any of that at all!

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!