
We Can All Be Kings And Queens


09-25-2015, 09:15 PM

The action done, the only thing now was to undergo the consequences that could befall them for their actions. Hypnos was afraid, truthfully. Afraid of if Katja would let him go. What if it came down to it and he couldn't beat her? He'd only been in two fights in his life and they were merely spars! A fight for freedom was a whole different ball game. Hypnos would shove that thought out of his mind for now, nuzzling Mystic as he lay beside her in the grass. In the distance he could hear the gentle crashing of the falls, of the water that fell in gallons upon a clear surface. Was this what peace felt like?

He would breathe in, nuzzling his mate. "I love you, Mystic. With all my heart." He would whisper to her. The brute would curl around his beloved, closing his eyes as he began to let his mind wander. "Have you ever wondered, Mystic, what it would be like to fly?" He'd ask softly. "Or to be a guardian angel, watching over those you love?" He'd open his eyes slightly, looking at her with a reassuring smile.

"Mystic Speech," "Hypnos Speech."

Lineart by:: Otackoon on DeviantArt