
Stubborn Creatures



5 Years
09-26-2015, 08:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

"Where's your boyfriend?"

The cat's casual tone interrupted Calli's concentration as she sorted the contents of her herb cache. Seated at the back of her den, things had been quiet and peaceful and perfect for adjusting the collection of plants that she had been focused on gathering into something cleaner and more organized, but she should have known the quiet would not last. She did not, after all, live alone. "Jak's not my boyfriend," the black and grey healer clarified, her brow furrowing slightly with irritation at having to repeat herself yet again, "and I'm not keeping track of him."

Though Callisto refused to look at the cat, the pitch black feline grinned and let her tail sway mischievously. "Aw, you're using nicknames now," she teased further, allowing her head to tilt to the side as if in admiration of the twisted relationship the healer and her timid lover possessed. She had long ago accepted that they both were tolerant of the parts they played in...whatever they were, but she could not stop herself from wheedling further to identify and place a name with what that actually was. "That's cute. I'm almost jealous."

"Shut up." This was not a conversation Callisto wanted to have, nor was it something that she felt she could tolerate for long. Her patience felt intact for the time being, but with the cat it tended to fall apart fairly quickly every time. "You don't even have a name," she countered, though she stopped herself and her sorting as she gave it more thought. Or does she? Callisto's brow rose on one side as she turned her head enough to peer sidelong at the cat. "Do you?"

"Hmm." Thoughtfully the cat paced there just outside the den's entrance, considering her answer. Life as a lone cat was dangerous and made it difficult to form relationships in order to need one. Maybe she had had one when she was younger, but it no longer seemed to hold any significance. "No, not really."

Callisto shook her head slightly and attempted to get back to sorting her plants while she tried to speak, "Well, naming things creates attachment so--"

"What kind of name suits me?" The feline interrupted without a worry, thoughtfully turning her back on the den - and the glaring wolf seated within its dark back corner. "Maybe something flowery and exotic." Her tail tip twitched excitedly as she considered her options, feeling rather energized by the whole thing and smiling as she thought about it.

"Or crude and suffocating," Callisto offered, her tone flat and irritable as she continued to glare the cat's way. "Like a weed." That seemed to suit the annoying little cat perfectly.

"Hmph. Oh, maybe something dangerous."

Callisto nudged a completely sorted pile of plants back into the corner she designated it belonged in as she listened to her unwanted companion's newest suggestion. Dangerous? Her thoughts were never very far from her plants, and immediately she began thinking of those that fascinated her most, the ones that were dangerous if handled incorrectly. "Nightshade."

"Nightshade?" The feline turned her head to better listen to Callisto behind her as she considered this new suggestion. Dangerous, indeed, but did it suit her? Her expression soured, deciding that, no, it did not, or at least not well enough. "No. Too plain. Wait, doesn't it have a different name? Belladonna?" That was right, was it not? She was sure she had heard Callisto refer to it them both at one point, interchangeably at that. Belladonna. That did have a nice ring to it. The cat smiled a toothy grin. "I like that one better."

Seeing that the conversation was quickly going out of her control, Callisto rose from her seated position inside the den and strode outside of it, causing the cat to quickly, almost instinctively, put some distance between the two of them and turn to give the wolf her full attention. "I don't," Calli countered with finality, having made up her mind on the matter. "You're Nightshade." With a stubborn look, the cat refused to back down and continued to argue against Callisto's choice in names with her own, and neither appeared ready to budge on the matter.