
Fumitory Friends



5 Years
09-26-2015, 12:02 PM
Starling would watch as he plucked the flower, tilting his head slightly. That wasn't very good for conserving, was it? He would just smile gently at Lyndvarr as he clipped a few pronds from the plant, his own stores were well stocked in Fumitory that he didn't need to take more from the earth. He was very concious of the idea of "running out". When plants were picked or dug up, it took a long time, most often a whole year, for them to grow back if they ever did. What if he hoarded important herbs that ended up dying in his store and someone else desperately needed it? It wasn't fair, was it, and it was his biggest conundrum that his mind was always trying to solve.

When Lyndvarr spoke again, Starling blinked and looked up at him. Specialization? He shook his head slowly, thinking about that. "N-no, I just w-want to learn i-it all." He said with a gentle smile. How useful would he be if he specialized in fight medicine and then his entire pack got the plague? Not very. "I need t-to learn it all." It was his life mission, his entire purpose, was healing. He had too, and he would stop at nothing to learn it. Not just for himself and his pack, but for everyone he came across. Who knew if he might come across someone who desperately needed help, and he didn't know how. His destiny came with a lot of responsibility, and he had to get as much knowledge as he could to be as useful as he could possibly be. He would blink down at the plant when Lyndvarr asked his question, and he'd nod absently. "Th-they bloom in th-the summer months, really. V-very versitile.." He had noticed, these plants had been around since he started his training in the early spring. "T-tend to st-stick around untill th-the first chill. Y-you sh-should only h-harvest th-them when th-they're in bloom, though."

"Burn Baby Burn"