
Swirling Around



4 Years
09-26-2015, 03:49 PM


Kind sir? Oh, he hadn't ever been called that. Many names had befallen to entitle his being, though the particular one the girl used to address caused his heart to briefly flutter and cheeks to flush. After demonstrating what appeared to be a feminine curtsy, the female approached the entrance before being swallowed by the merciless darkness with her voice fading away in audacity. Seemingly, she held her posture with confidence, her expression reflecting no doubt or hesitation if there were such emotions dwelling in her mind. If only he could carry himself like that, which became obvious as he faltered before the cave's opening. Panic slightly gripped him for a brief second, though he vanquished the silly feeling with a shake of his chestnut head. Come on, he had been eager to explore - where was it now? Was it the darkness he was afraid of; the fear of finding himself helplessly lost, separated from the recent-stranger he had begun to trust? Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to make a decision, if he could decide at all. Her steps grew softer with every passing moment, and he didn't want her to think he had ditched her. Without a second thought, he plunged his muscular form into the shadows.

He had to scamper in order to catch up with her, however his reckless bounding caused him to miss her cautious alert, as he abraded his ebony paws upon the unnoticed sharp rocks. With the momentum created from his earlier dashing, he tripped and stumbled to find his body mere centimetres from colliding with hers. Another great impression. "Thanks for the warning," he muttered breathlessly with gritted teeth, ruffling his coat before continuing with the trek like falling over on dangerous rocks was the usual. In a way, that statement was correct, for he was quite a clumsy youth. This time he had shown his klutzy nature in front of a girl - what bad timing.