
A single act or many



5 Years
09-26-2015, 06:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She should have known that shaking her fur out beside Glacier would get her the same sort of treatment, and yet she still cried out with a laugh as he did so. Her golden eyes closed against the spray as she continued to grin, side stepping quickly to avoid the worst of it and succeeding for the most part. As much as she did not mind the water, she had realized that he had the right idea about drying off, and the more water that returned to her coat the longer it was going to take for her to be ready to venture further into the island.

Opening her eyes again, she stifled another burst of laughter. Glacier looked almost double his typical size, his dark blue fur spiked and fluffed in a comical way that immediately tickled her funny bone. She wanted very much to laugh but knew better than to think her mischievous boyfriend would let her get away with it without enacting some sort of payback of his own. She had to bite the inside of her lip, but managed to keep her laughter to herself, and only smiled with a humorous gleam in her eyes as he strode toward her. Her tail wagged excitedly as she reached for him, inviting him close with a nuzzle to his shoulder while he smoothed down a bit of the fur on her neck. A few giddy giggles escaped her as she drew back to peer upward into his face, and having missed the telling glint in his silver eyes was caught unaware as he groomed the fur atop her head the wrong way.

Anais could feel the way it stood up, awkwardly against the grain, and drew her expression into an accusatory stare that only lasted a few seconds at best before it fell away with another peal of animated laughter as he kissed her cheek. With her confirmation already given to seeking out a place for them to sun on the beach, Glacier wasted no more time in beginning that search and with only a word of warning he was off. Still on her feet, Anais turned and swiftly raced after him, grinning as she pursued the larger wolf. Did he have a spot in mind? Maybe he traveled with a destination planned, but the golden brown wolf was content merely to follow along.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.