
A single act or many



6 Years
Extra large
09-26-2015, 06:34 PM

Glacier couldn't have felt more at ease in the world as he enjoyed the perfect day with Anais. Having partially caught her with the spray from his coat and her surprised laughter, he couldn't keep his eyes from dancing. Pressing his fluffy fur against her as he groomed out his coat only added to the mayhem of his current appearance, the static as they touched set his fur on edge and he knew it would be a long while before he got his coat sitting right. He could only imagine what Voltage would say if he saw him now, no doubt there would be some comparison to puffer fish.

His innocent girl invited him closer, put to ease with his few careful licks of her coat. He had intended to leave it at that, but he just couldn't help himself. He stepped back to take her in, all puffed up and erratic, and knew he would tuck that memory away for safe keeping. There would be no lasting accusations from his antics, her peel of laughter was honest and sweet, wiping away the accusations in her eyes.

The two wolves raced across the sand, the Titan's steps where heavy, a dull thud sounded with each landing and well his stride was sure and strong, Anais's light build gave her an advantage over him. Even with his head start she could catch up to him if she tried. He laughed gently into the wind, giving a little push off with his back legs and a leap as he ran, landing heavily on his fore paws and barely missing a stride as he continued along the sand. They reached the grass in moments and he pulled himself up the tiny sandy cliff onto the grass and collapsed there with an 'omph' looking back to ensure Anais could get up alright herself.


Art by Arin