
A single act or many



5 Years
09-26-2015, 09:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais received Glacier's kisses with a smile and stayed pressed against him even as he squirmed to get more comfortable, having chosen her spot with every intention of keeping it. Her golden eyes peered up at him as he studied the sky through a squinted expression, feeling once again amazed and delighted that he was in her life and that she had moments like these where they were free to simply be two wolves in love enjoying each others company. They were days that tended not to be overly frequent, but it only made them that much more enjoyable when they did occur.

While he cloud-gazed, the golden brown wolf outstretched a foreleg and rested her chin atop it, allowing the sunlight to warm her back and soothe the chill that still threatened to creep in through her damp fur. It was so comfortable, so delightful to simply be this way with Glacier, to have him beside her as they lounged in the sunlight. After the testing swim from their seaside home to the island, Anais felt complacent enough to nap and would have dozed off if more time had been given to her.

Glacier had other plans. Anais's closed eyes opened quickly when she felt him begin grooming her, causing her to jump at first but then to smile almost shyly as he fixed her fur. Though she still at times reverted back to her timidness and did not always known how properly to react to him, she truly did enjoy every bit of attention that he gave her and hoped that she conveyed as much. She continued to watch him as he smoothed down the rougher portions of her side and shoulder, and listened closely at his suggestion for their immediate plans. The little smile on her face grew slightly, still somewhat shy but expressing her agreement while her paw fidgeted almost reflexively as he licked at her toes. "I think that's a great plan," she answered through a quiet chuckle, excited that she would have the full day and night with him and not have to worry about the pack or his siblings drawing him away.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.