
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]



04-12-2013, 10:38 AM

[Image: one_eyed_crusade_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yxnla.png]


His words... he didn't know? Didn't remember? At first Crusade couldn't believe it... but slowly, gazing into those eyes and analyzing his words, she couldn't do anything but believe. After all, amnesia and the tricks it plays on the mind, they weren't new things to Crusade. Her father had had them for a time, after an accident also involving a cliff. It had been a very dangerous turn of events considering who he was once in his past. Yet he'd pulled through. They'd all pulled him through and he'd remembered the family he'd built.

But this was different. If Saix were to remember the past, all he'd see is the family he'd destroyed. What a curse. What a terrible, terrible curse...

And poor Arcane; Crusade felt her shudder against her. Yet before Crusade could think to put some sort of words together, her dark pelted sister was pouring out her grievances - the tragedy she'd had to trudge through (it couldn't be called living) for so long. "Arcane-" Crusade tried to say, but it was too late. The truth had been told. There'd be no easy breaking of the news, no slow, painful working through remembrance. The horrid tale was hung out now, and whether the male believed Arcane's words or not, they were going to be terrible to hear. Crusade pressed her frame into her sister's.

What else could she do?
