
Stubborn Creatures



5 Years
09-26-2015, 11:02 PM
Post is M for language

A sigh left Jakart as he settled his leg back against the ground. The two females in front of him were arguing about a name or something but the few needles that stuck in his mane were starting to irritate him more than the bickering. The careful rending of the plants roots hadn't been clean, a few marks beneath his fur starting to be irritated. It was always the small plants that itched the most. The felines words now tore his attention away from his scratching. Boyfriend. Now there was a thought, even as a nervous chuckle left him Jakart could only stare at Callisto to gauge the effect of cats words. Something about deferring to him to give the result of a contest, the word 'Loverboy' being used to describe him caused the grey wolf to fidget where he lay. His and Callisto's relationship wasn't like that at all. Everything between them was all... mutual. Callisto however seemed entirely unfazed, as she had such good practice by this point it seemed, and was instead intently staring at the herbs he'd brought back.

"These?" Jakart looked at the bristly red burrs. "They were ummmm," He looked around over his shoulder, mismatched eyes searching for where he'd been. Down in the gully everything looked the same on the hillside, but he had a general idea of where he had found them. "They were... see that little cut in the hillside below the ridge?" There, he was certain that was where the game trail was, muzzle pointing straight at it. "Back in there, prey path. Hasn't been touched like the other bushes with all their leaves gnawed away." Jakart looked at Callisto expectantly. "They poisonous?" Red was a pretty potent color when it came to certain prey that were unsuitable to be eaten. Did the same apply to specific plants? Jakart looked over at the cat. "Belladonna by the way. Nightshade is a strong name. Belladonna is for pussies like you." A wink was given at Callisto. Jakart was never one for spicy language but when regarding the cat he knew Callisto would be appreciative.