
And let the doorknob hitya where the good Lord splitya!



3 Years
Extra large
09-26-2015, 11:25 PM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2015, 12:23 AM by Evelyn.)

Ah, so this was the land that he had heard about since his birth.

The large pale gray wolf weaves his way through the unfamiliar lands, his nostrils flaring as a world of new scents entered his nose. He had never stepped paw on any of this terrain before, and there was so many possibilities here. His tri coloured ears were pulled forward, trying to pick up every little sound that he could possibly here. He had heard tales of these parts, but he couldn't have ever put a picture to them. Not like this. The simple wonders stretched on before him, just begging for Cath to hear their story as well. Gray tipped tail swayed behind him as he walked on in wonder, mint green eyes wide as he tried to take all of it in.

It wasn't until he was a few feet away that he saw the slate blue man in front of him. The boy paused, head tilting slightly to the side. He was very tall, about two inches taller than himself. Were all wolves here this large? His parents were for sure not that big, he towered over both of them. But not this man, he was the first he had met who had matched his height plus some. It didn't help that he was the very first wolf he had even seen on these new lands. But he seemed rather... off. Grumpy almost, as he started towards the moor and headed his way. Cathaoir did not advance towards the larger male, but waited until he came closer until he reclined his head in a simple greeting. An uneasy smile was on his maw, and he took a moment to look him over. He had a strong build, and it was obvious that he was a warrior as well. Despite the grumpy look. The younger boy suddenly snapped his eyes shut, fighting off a wave of fear that suddenly tried to take hold of him. The gray boy started to panic, gulping down a large breath of fresh air, trying to focus on breathing in and out. In and out. One more time. Silently he started to count to ten, when at last he opened those stunning pale green eyes.

Clearing his throat, he shook out his monotone coat, taking one last deep breath before an awkward, lopsided grin was offered. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but where exactly am I?" He muttered, deep baritone muted in his hushed words. He felt slightly awkward, dark topped ears pulling back slightly as he shuffled his weight along his large paws. "I am looking for someone, and I am not sure that you would know her. If I could ask?" Conversation was not his strong suit, and it showed easily in the uneasy way that he held his posture. Plus, these lands where huge, there was no way that he would know where his half siblings were.


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