


09-26-2015, 11:32 PM

Just a sprain. Good, that wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t a break or anything at least. Shrike would glance down at his foot. It was swelling up... Gross. Shrike would wrinkle his nose as he made his own assessment of the damage. Gross and stupid. He had never thought he’d get hurt simply by running. Especially when he did it all the time! But careless as he was, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Shrike would let his gaze turn back to Starling, watching as he walked over to some plant and grabbed it up for him.

Shrike would make a bit of a face. Oh joy... Herbs. Shrike would give a soft sigh. He would give a small nod and lower his head, lapping them up. Not the tastiest of things, but hey, if he didn’t want to hurt it was eat them or shut up, right?

When he lifted his head Starling had moved again, testing the water of the rapids. Shrike would watch his brother curiously, head tilted to the side and ears twitching some. He’d frown deeply, a thought on his mind. But he’d do as his brother suggested, favoring his injured leg as he crossed over to the rapids and carefully stuck the paw within the moving waters.

“Thanks Star.” The brute would say quietly. “Hey Star? Can I ask a favor of you when I get better?” The boy would pause. “...actually no, nevermind.” Shrike would shake his head, giving a soft laugh. “Let’s just take things one step at a time.”

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'