
Wanting Home [joining]

Gargoyle I


04-12-2013, 10:59 AM


Gargoyle listened carefully. By now his ears were accustomed to entreatments of shelter, to requests for home, and to questions of Glaciem's code. Sometimes they were simple, sometimes they were complex, and yet always it was Gargoyle who had to make the final leap of faith - the finial nod and allowance, or twist of the knife. It was a burden every Alpha knew. And Gargoyle, who had seen so much evil in the world, was slow to make such heavy decisions.

This grey-mottled male came right to the point. He wanted somewhere where he could love, protect and feel at home. A wish that Gargoyle could understand and agree with. But it didn't mean he believed it correct for him to grant it.

"Glaciem is a place that any wolf would be proud to call his home-" the tall Chieftain said in his quiet, toneless rumble. "-, and we are always on the look out for strong wolves to be warrior or hunting sorts... yet we are not some mob or gang that will accept anyone. We hold ourselves as warriors, but we are family first. If we win our goodwill, you win it for life. Therefore it is not easily won. Tell me about yourself, stranger. And for the sake of fairness, I shall do the same of myself. - If we find eachother agreeable all the better." But it not, it would become clear right away, and Gargoyle would not be wasting his time.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~