
With your threads in mind



7 Years
09-27-2015, 01:17 AM
Surreal Adravendi

As the fellow stuck his tongue out slightly, Surreal's frown deepened. There was no real sense of disrespect in the act... But Liar was a strange wolf. His offer of help should she need it was received with no comment, but she did nod slightly; as much of an acceptance as she would allow. His explanation she listened to in silence, and as he settled upon his haunches she let her stance fall into a relaxed, squared position. She wasn't ready to relax into a sitting position, just in case he was merely trying to fool her. That he liked her, she wasn't sure how to feel. She wasn't flattered, that was for sure.

She also wasn't convinced that he could truly be trusted. She hardly knew anything of the male beyond the fact that he'd had a mate, been a king in another land, was a Walker, thus Arian's cousin, and that he was running with Sin Armada. And it was that last part that was the sticky point. Judging from Liar's words about his family having a low opinion on weakness, he sounded like he must fit in well with Sin's talk of 'weak deserving to die' that Arian spoke about. She let non of her indecision show on her face, opting to maintain her calm, cold expression as she asked, bluntly. "Will you tell me of yourself, first? I cannot go about giving out my details when I know so very little about the other wolf."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think