
Do I know this Place? [Arcane/re-joining]


04-12-2013, 11:09 AM

Arcane's words struck Saix, something he should have been expecting but not even a thought like that went through his mind. He never thought of having a mate bak then, before he lost his memory. An him killing his own child? What possessed him? The gentle old man would never hurt anyone of his kind. But since the grey female had tears running down her face. And that little deep spot in his heart cried for her, he knew that something about her made him feel this way.

But Saix did not know the female, and nothing made him believe she was telling the truth. And as the words escaped his maw, they were spilled with despair. He moved his head up just a bit and looked into Arcane's eyes if she allowed it as her sister comforted her.

"If you hate me as much as your voice describes, if I ruined your life as much as it says, then take my life to repay my sins." And there were no tears from the brute anymore.

His neon blue eyes traveled to girls sister, and he said with a soft tone, "Do you want me back in Glaciem?" The old man was disabled, it was clear that he would die within the season. An his injuries made it so much worse, it was a surprise that he was still breathing. Considering he leaped off a cliff and was still moving was even hard to think he was alive. So if the dame he spoke to told him no, the only thing he could do was limp on back to wear he came from until his age made him collapse and die. He was getting weaker by the minute, and if the dame accepted him back, he would be good for nothing. He could just lay in his den all day alone, without a partner. He couldn't hunt, he couldn't fight, he couldn't run and play with the young because of his injuries. And he couldn't even have them sit around and listen to the "wise old man's" stories because he had no memory. He was useless to everyone.