
Black Bird Fly



3 Years
Extra large
09-27-2015, 09:18 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2015, 09:28 PM by Evelyn.)

The expansion of the Northern parts of Alacritia were far colder than the boy could have ever expected. He had been told that the snow bound lands were cooler than the other masses of land here, but no words could prepare him for the bite that was on the wind. Even in summer he felt the chill tug at his fur, causing the gray boy to fluff up his coat as much as he could, trying to aid his body in staying warm. Would he truly be able to survive in such a place? He was sure as hell determined to try. Cathaoir had been asking around about the packs that resided here, but there was only one that really captured his attention. Yfir. He wasn't quite sure what a Viking was, his parents had had no tales of the group, so he was going in a bit blind. But he had heard all about their strength and poweress, something that captured the warriors heart.

When the scent marker tickles his senses, his large frame came to a jolting halt. His excitement seemed to be keeping his mood swings in check, at least for now. He really hoped that he would be able to make a good impression, and that for once his emotions would not bog him down. He was in pretty good control of his episodes, but there were times that his mind took it and ran with it. As much as he disliked his handicap, it wasn't as bad as his mother's. Deep breathing and counting helped, where for her she had very little control of it. He was lucky that she was able to teach him how to twist it to his advantage rather than view it as a hindrance, b ut at times the yearling found it hard to focus on the positive notes.

Shaking his head to settle his wandering mind, he tipped back his gray head and let out a call for the woman who ruled these parts. It was hard to not feel a bit nervous in meeting her, who he had heard was named Katja. Would she accept him into her pack, or would she find his awkward approach at conversation too much? He knew that he would grow used to the bitter winds, his monotone coat would grow thicker over time. If he was let in. If his own abilities proved good enough. Shuffling from paw to paw slightly, he lowered his head as his pale green eyes scanned the forest, waiting for the alphess to appear.

"Talk" "You" Think