
In This New World



3 Years
Extra large
09-27-2015, 09:54 AM (This post was last modified: 09-27-2015, 09:27 PM by Evelyn.)

He was still on edge, his body still tense and tight as his breathing slowed. His heart was no longer pounding in his chest, until a voice called out to him. He turned with his minty green eyes flaring, lips twisting away from his teeth as he faced the woman who spoke. Realizing that he was growling and spitting like some wild dog he backed up slowly, forcing his raised hackles down as his head shook back and forth. Shit. Generally he was fine at keeping his emotions under wraps, but they had run away with his mind once more. All that came out of him now was the sounds of his rasping breath, slowly becoming more calm and normal.

It was several heart beats until he eyed the slightly shorter woman with an apologetic gaze, ribbon marked leg kicking at the earth like a scolded child. He wasn't the best with words, and struggled to try and find the right ones to say now. "Sorry..." he finally mumbled, ears pulling back slightly. He mentally cursed himself, taking a few casual steps towards the stranger. She had meant him no harm, but had merely startled him when he was trying to get everything under control. He knew that snapping at the wrong wolf could end up with him getting attacked, but he wasn't afraid to defend himself as well as his honor. His grey tail wagged a few times as his head lowered slightly, trying to show the woman that he wasn't a threat to her at the moment. He found actions far easier than trying to use words, he often fumbled and got irritated at his lack of being able to communicate what else was thinking properly. Cathaoir was often a man of few words because of it, finding that it was easier to keep everything under control if he didn't try to struggle with words so hard.

Clearing this throat, Cath licked his suddenly dry lips, tail still swinging idly at his hocks. His green gaze roamed over her almost same sized form, taking in the strange red markings that adorned her bodice. He felt rather plain in comparison, but said nothing in that regard. "I am okay, thanks. By the way. Thanks for your concern." came his odd lurching reply, his tongue almost stumbling over the quickly spoken words.


Art by Acrylic