
hush now



10 Years
09-27-2015, 10:09 AM

He had not meant to intentionally mislead her into taking these herbs. Perhaps he could've found a better pain killer, but he himself felt fatigue lingering deep in his bones. Idly he would chew a few of the leaves himself, knowing it would get him through a few more hours of the evening, if nothing else. He was accustomed to the bitter taste and he was able to consume them quickly, though Katja didn't seemed phased at the taste in the slightest.

Her mind seemed to wander from the battle to more somber topics. She was right; they were not vikings, not like he and Katja. And though Laufey would someday be fit to lead Yfir, who would help him? He had held hope in his heart that Hypnos might some day truly follow in their pawsteps but his progress was slower than he had hoped. A slight frown touched his lips as he considered what she spoke of. It was true though; what were they doing with these wolves? When she and Katja died, a thought that was not at all difficult for him to imagine, what would they do? Scatter to the wind like lost children? "One of us needs an heir," he said finally, plainly. He would have no problem with finding a woman to produce a suitable heir of his own; he wouldn't be surprised if he had children already, somewhere in the world. But to lead Yfir? They needed more than just any child, but a true Viking. "Someone born of our blood, of a solid bloodline, to help guide Yfir to greatness." His gaze found her in the darkness, waiting for her reaction. He knew she had an oath to Freyja and yet he couldn't help but wish that she would be willing to produce an heir someday, for she seemed better suited to it than he. "If not, I fear what we have done for them is in vain."

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.