
Just Seeking Your Guidance



04-12-2013, 12:22 PM

She gave a nod of her head as the shewolf Erani told her she could teach the grey wolf some herbs for birthing mothers, turning and beginning to walk off, gesturing Loccian to follow. With another nod she quickly followed, catching up within a few strides so that she now walked along side the older female. This would be very useful for Loccian, she didn't know too much on herbs for birthing mothers so this would be very valuable. She just hoped Ghost would stay in Seracia long enough for her to treat her, but lately the white wolf had vanished, spending most, if not all her time outside the packlands. Hopefully she was doing fine.

Ears perked up as the shewolf's voice began talking about a herb, Motherwort which was to be taken three times daily during the last few weeks of pregnancy. It synchronized the retrenchments in the uterus, eased pains of spasms and eased stressed during the pregnancy and birthing along with anxiety. She nodded her head, Motherwort, taken daily in last few weeks. A shorter way of remembering the uses of the herb. Next was Mother's Heart, stops hemorrhaging after birthing, reduced fevers, and not to give to pregnant females for the risk of miscarriage. It was then that Erani looked to Loccian, probably seeing if she was paying attention to what she was telling her, so grey eyes met her blue ones and put on a smile with a nod of her head. It was already starting to sink in.

So far she had the herb name and their uses, but she didn't know anything about where these herbs could be found or how they looked. So she took a step forward, her tail waving behind her as she faced the shewolf. Those will be very useful, there is a problem though. She spoke softly, an ear swiveling to the side with the pause. What do these plants look like and where can I find them? She asked curiously, of course knowing what the herbs were called and what they could do were useful, but it meant nothing if she didn't know what they looked like and where to find them. That was the first thing she needed to know after the uses.
